Outdoor House Halloween Decorations

The leaves are changing, the temperature is dropping, and spooky season is upon us. Halloween is a beloved holiday for both the young and the young at heart. A key aspect of Halloween is decorating your home to create a spooky and fun atmosphere. However, decorations can add up and decorating on a budget can seem daunting. But fear not, we have compiled a list of outdoor Halloween decor ideas on a budget that will make your home the envy of the neighborhood.

Witch's Cauldron

Create a witch's cauldron on a budget by using a black plastic pot from the dollar store. Fill the pot with water and add dry ice. The dry ice will create a smoky effect that will add a spooky touch to your front yard. For an extra touch, add a broomstick and witches hat to complete the look.

witches cauldron

Pumpkin Patch

A pumpkin patch is an iconic Halloween decoration. Instead of buying expensive pumpkins, paint rocks to look like pumpkins and place them in a pile. This will give the look of a pumpkin patch without the expense. Add hay bales and cornstalks to complete the look.

painted rocks as pumpkins

Ghosts in the Yard

Ghosts are a classic Halloween decoration. Create ghosts in your yard by using cheesecloth or white sheets. Cut into strips and drape over stakes or tree branches. Use black markers to create ghost faces for an added touch.

ghosts in the yard

Spider Webs

Spider webs are another classic Halloween decoration. Create spider webs using cotton batting or faux spider webbing. Stretch the material over branches, trees or your front porch. Add plastic spiders for an extra touch.

spider webs on trees

Bat Swarm

Bats are spooky creatures and perfect for Halloween decor. Create paper bats by cutting their outlines from black construction paper. Use fishing line or black thread to hang them in a swarm from your porch or trees for a creepy touch.

paper bats on branches

Candy Corn Display

Candy corn is a traditional Halloween candy and its colors are perfect for Halloween decor. Create a candy corn display by painting terracotta pots in the colors of candy corn. Stack the painted pots to create a candy corn tower. Add lights or candles for an extra touch.

candy corn pot display

Inspiring Halloween Decor

With these budget-friendly outdoor Halloween decor ideas, you can create a spooky and fun atmosphere without breaking the bank. So get creative and have fun with your Halloween decor.

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